Terms & Conditions of Kingdom Ranker

Read Carefully Before Signing Contract 

I understand that by Signing the Contract, I have read and accepted the terms & conditions stated on this page. 


Terms and Conditions of Kingdom Ranker:

1. Contracts:
a. All services provided by Kingdom Ranker are governed by a mutually agreed-upon contract between the company and the client. The contract outlines the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, and any other relevant terms.
b. Any modifications or amendments to the contract must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.

2. Payment Cycles:
a. Kingdom Ranker follows a structured payment cycle, as specified in the contract. Typically, payments are invoiced monthly or based on project milestones.
b. Clients are responsible for making payments within the agreed-upon time frame, as indicated in the invoices.
c. In the event of late payments, we are liable to charge late fee fine. Kingdom Ranker reserves the right to pause or terminate services until the outstanding amount is settled.

3. Assets:
a. During the course of the engagement, Kingdom Ranker may require access to certain client assets, such as website credentials, social media accounts, or analytics data. Clients are responsible for providing timely and accurate access to these assets to facilitate the delivery of services.
b. Kingdom Ranker respects the confidentiality of client assets and undertakes to use them solely for the purpose of fulfilling the agreed-upon services. We employ appropriate security measures to protect client assets from unauthorized access or disclosure.

4. Discrepancies:
a. In the event of any discrepancies or issues related to the services provided, clients are required to promptly notify Kingdom Ranker in writing.
b. Kingdom Ranker will make reasonable efforts to address and resolve any discrepancies or concerns in a timely manner.
c. Clients are encouraged to maintain open and transparent communication with Kingdom Ranker to ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship.

5. Expenses:
a. Kingdom Ranker may incur expenses related to the provision of services, such as advertising costs, third-party tool subscriptions, or travel expenses. These expenses will be discussed and agreed upon in advance with the client.
b. Clients will be invoiced for any agreed-upon expenses incurred by Kingdom Ranker during the engagement.
c. Reimbursement for expenses must be made within the agreed-upon time frame, as specified in the invoices.

Please note that these terms and conditions are provided as a general outline and may be subject to negotiation and customization based on the specific requirements and agreements between Kingdom Ranker and its clients. It is recommended that clients thoroughly review and discuss the terms and conditions before entering into a contract with Kingdom Ranker to ensure mutual understanding and compliance.

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